Synopsis: Outside his house, a tween boy witnesses Santa being abducted by aliens and implanted with a mind-control device in an evil plot to conquer Earth, then must travel with his best friend to the North Pole to warn Santa before it's too late.
As Benjamin Franklin stated, “there are only two things certain in life – death and taxes”. To this, I would add a third – holiday movies. Every year, you can count on the nation's screens quickly filling up with holiday-themed movies. And what genre is as timeless as holiday movies? Movies involving aliens, of course! Five of the top ten grossing films of all time center around aliens.
Since relocating to Los Angeles from his native Long Island, New York, Todd has kept busy. Todd spent three years as writer/host of the popular comedy television show, Dino & Rocco's Back Alley. Todd, whom is also a California credentialed teacher, has written and directed the award-winning short films, Execution at County Jail and Einstein's Brain. His screenplay for the feature film, “The Art of Trash”, has been produced and has had a successful DVD release. Todd is the founder/CEO of the popular business, Rent A Grandma (, which has been featured on ABC's Shark Tank and in media outlets throughout the world. Todd has directed, based on his original screenplay, thefeature film, Life Raft.